JPII is committed to bring you and your family opportunities to grow in your faith both personally and with those in our JPII community. Below is a list of opportunities for you to grow in your discipleship. If you have a questions or suggestions for other discipleship opportunities you'd like to see, please contact Katie Tipker,
FaithLife Adults and Teens:
Sunday Mornings 9:45 - 11:00 AM
SJH Gym Meeting Room
FaithLife Kids:
Sunday Mornings 9:45 - 11:00 AM
SJH Old School
Women's Gatherings
Third Saturdays 8:30 - 10:00AM
Chicken House
Trivia Nights
Second Mondays 6:30 PM
Chicken House
Theology on Tap
First Thursdays 6:30 PM
Chicken House
Multiple Opportunities each year! Contact Marlene Stammerman.
Connect Groups
Multiple Opportunities each year! Contact Felecity Pickens.
Discipleship Groups
Multiple Opportunities each year! Contact Marlene Stammerman.
Emmaus Ministry
Multiple Opportunities each year! Contact Marlene Stammerman.
Healing Rosary
Third Sunday 7PM
New Church
Bible Studies
Multiple Opportunities each year! Contact Katie Tipker.
Book Studies
Multiple Opportunities each year! Contact Katie Tipker.
Youth Praise Band
Always welcome! Contact Katie Haulter
Middle School Youth Group
Always welcome! Contact Katie Tipker