St. Gianna Beretta Molla (Oct. 4, 1922-April 28, 1962) was an Italian pediatrician, wife, and mother who is best known for refusing both an abortion and a hysterectomy when she was pregnant with her fourth child, despite knowing that continuing with the pregnancy could result in her death. She was canonized as a saint of the Catholic Church on May 16, 2004, by Pope John Paul II. Feast day is April 28 Patronage of Mothers, physicians, preborn children.
St. Gianna Culture of Life meets every two months.
President: Rick Jones Each member will speak about an issue as it helps us learn the facts and be able to discuss it when the topic comes up in conversation.
We will discuss topics relating to current pro-life issues ranging from the unborn baby in the womb… to the end of life issues along with discussions about marriage and religious liberty.
We will invite a parishioner to talk about how they cope with their state in life… whether it be a disability, illness, their treatment plan and how their spiritual life has guided them during the journey, or it may be someone whose occupation brings them in daily contact with people who suffer and how the worker deals with the issues surrounding these people and how they have grown spiritually.
We will always have refreshments; plan to come, learn and discuss the issues.
Annually, from January through December, here are some of the projects that we do each month:
January: So. IN Right to Life Signature Ad; Pro-Life Mass; Right to Life March in Washington DC, and speakers at Courthouse in Louisville, KY
February: Mass for the Sick and Suffering; Info passed out for the So IN Right to Life Contest; (each parish school and neighboring churches and schools are involved); NRTL Video Contest
March: “ 40 Days for Life” at 2nd and Market, Louisville; Lenten practices for Life; St. Gianna Pro-Life Stations of the Cross
April: Awards from So IN Right to Life Contest
May: Roses for Mothers’ Day
June: Something for Fathers’ Day
August: Baby Abby to RE
September: Sign-up for “40 Days for Life”
October: Respect-Life Month; Rosary for Life Procession
November: Voting with a Clear Conscience guide
December: National Night of Prayer; Baby/Handicapped/Crippled/Sick and Dying/Elderly Gifts
Contact: Rick Jones: 502-523-3117 or Esther Endris: 812-883-3563 or any member for info about pro-life issues.